Are you ready for Season 2 of the Indian Matchmaker?

When I first heard about the Indian Matchmaker show on Netflix, I was intrigued. I always loved seeing South Asian representation on television and thought this was going to be an interesting watch.

However, as I saw more and more episodes, the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach continued to grow. On one hand I loved the show and could’t stop myself from watching all the episodes, and on the other hand it brought forward so many of the reminders of the double standards that exist within our culture.

Conversations around shadism, racism and future mother in laws dictating what their perfect daughter in laws should look and behave like were still real expectations.  

Compromise being a key theme, was not on how to improve or deepen a relationship rather on lowering your expectations should you not be that fair skinned, fit or God forbid a female who was divorced.

In all this, I just hoped that this wasn’t the reality in today’s progressive times, rather an elaborate marketing strategy of embellishing those old school themes to create controversy and ultimately greater ratings.

Despite all this, I continued to watch. I rooted for Nadia, for Ankita, for Vyasar, for Rupam and even Aparna, who was unabashedly real in her views. As a viewer, I fell in love with the cast who shared their personal journeys. They were relatable and I saw parts of myself in them.

While the show brought forward the biases and challenges that still are deeply rooted in our culture today,  it also showcased our family values and the importance of marriage as a union of two families and not just the couple itself. Family is at the heart of all our traditions and we look to celebrate all our milestones with their love and support.

Matchmaking has been around for centuries, but how it's applied in today’s world is critical for its success. Single South Asians today want matchmaking to have diversity of thought and be modern and progessive in its approach. Many of us live dual lives where we try to retain our beautiful culture and values while blending in  our North American lifestyles. Click Matchmaking understands this and provides that service without any judgment or pressure.

With the recent announcement of Indian Matchmaker Season 2 of the Indian Matchmaker is coming in August, I look forward to seeing how things have evolved and perhaps there will be a greater theme on acceptance and inclusiveness. 


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